
Service Manager
Crossroads Care Harris, Service Manager, Marion J Macdonald, better known as Nurse Marion. She started on 2 May 2022.
Marion comes with a wealth of knowledge, experience and qualifications. She has had 40 years nursing experience, first in a hospital context and then in the community. She is well acquainted with the health and social care sector in the Western Isles and knows the Harris community well. We wish her every success at a challenging time and assure her of the Trustees’ support.
Up & coming events for Crossroads Harris...
Past events held by Crossroads Harris...

Many thanks to all who came to enjoy their lunch at the Charities Fayre and supported Crossroads Care Harris.

Pictured Peggy Mackay receiving the cheque from Adam Johnson November 2024

Thank you to everyone who came and supported Crossroads Care Harris

Guest Speaker - Donald Maclean, Fire Safety Officer

Guest Speaker - Donald Maclean, Fire Safety Officer

Crossroads Care Harris raised £3087 on the night with donations still coming in - a fantastic amount!

Megan and Anna made some beautiful Christmas decorations using air dry clay raising £50 for Crossroads Care Harris Thank you girls

Pictured Cathy Bell Morrison receiving the cheque from Aline Macsween December 2023

December 2023

December 2023

December 2023

December 2023